Watch Famous Directors Step in Front of the Camera in This Cameo Supercut


The job of a director is to work behind the lens, but occasionally even an auteur can't resist the urge for a little screen time. From blink-and-you-missed-it appearances to full, plot-advancing monologues, the folks over at Digg created a video montage of some of the most memorable cameos from the past 65 years.

Every clip in the video (above) includes the name of the director and the film in the bottom left corner. There are some not-so-subtle examples, like Quentin Tarantino's many characters or Alfred Hitchcock's famed appearances, but it also has a couple deep cuts that only hardcore fans might know. There's David Cronenberg as a doctor in The Fly (1986), Sam Raimi as a hillbilly on the side of the road in The Evil Dead (1981), and the late Wes Craven as Fred the Janitor in Scream (1996).

To test your film knowledge, try watching the clip while covering the reveals to see how many directors you can recognize.

Banner image via YouTube 

[h/t: Hypebeast]