All the Rage: Rage Yoga Finds Zen in Swearing, Booze, and Heavy Metal Music

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Yoga is normally associated with burning incense, calming music, and maybe the occasional goat. That's not the case with a new type of yoga class being taught in Canada and Texas. At rage yoga, participants drink beer, drop f-bombs, and listen to heavy metal music on their path to inner peace, Hello Giggles reports.

Lindsay Istace conceived rage yoga after feeling out of place at more conventional yoga sessions. Instead of maintaining a calm, quiet atmosphere, rage yoga encourages self-expression, even if it involves cursing your way through a warrior pose or banging your head to Metallica as you downward dog.

"Before I found my practice, I was a stress case all the time!" Istace writes on the official Rage Yoga website. "My mind was constantly running a mile a minute and I couldn't slow down. I had zero confidence, rage issues and, on top of it all, the muscle mass of a kitchen sponge."

After screaming, drinking, and making crass jokes in yoga class, Istace hopes students will go home feeling more relaxed than when they arrived. Rage may be part of the name, but as with traditional yoga, the end goal is to "become zen as f*ck."

If you're looking for an alternative yoga experience, you can sign up for in-person rage yoga classes in Alberta, Canada and Houston, Texas. Courses are also available online.

[h/t Hello Giggles]