Tattoo you
When tearing into a box of Crackerjacks as a child, who wasn't disappointed if the toy surprise didn't contain a tattoo? A show of keyboards, please"¦
Mankind, of course, has been fascinated with tattoos since Neolithic times, using body ink for everything from religious purposes to making personal artistic statements.
But the ways in which we view tattoos hasn't changed much at all over the thousands of years we've been inking ourselves. Until now, that is. The FDA-approved Chameleon Blacklight Tattoo Ink is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: Ink that causes tattoos to light up in the dark. Originally developed for tracking animals and fish, this new tattoo technology might be the ticket for those who've always been a little on the conservative side.
Check it out over at or click past the jump for some more tattoo trivia.
(Some facts via Wiki)
A poll conducted online between July 14 and 20, 2003 (Harris 2003), found that 16% of all adults in the United States have at least one tattoo.
The highest incidence of tattoos was found among the gay, lesbian and bisexual population (31%) and among Americans ages 25 to 29 years (36%) and 30 to 39 years (28%).
Regionally, people living in the West (20%) were more likely to have tattoos.
Democrats were more likely to have tattoos (18%) than Republicans (14%) and Independents (12%);
Approximately equal percentages of males (16%) and females (15%) have tattoos.
Orthodox Jews forbid tattoos of any kind because of this law in Leviticus (19:28): "You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for he dead, nor print any marks upon you." "“ As a result, many Jewish cemeteries will not bury a body if it carries a tattoo.