“Severe” Solar Storm Might Bring Northern Lights to the Deep South
Scientists just observed a powerful solar storm that could carry the northern lights over the lower 48 in the near future.
Scientists just observed a powerful solar storm that could carry the northern lights over the lower 48 in the near future.
In the latest episode of The List Show, we’re tackling some fun facts—and the occasional harsh truth—about the careers you imagined for yourself as a kid.
Planning to see the northern lights soon? Take a look at these hotel prices before booking your trip.
This fall, sky-gazers will be treated to a supermoon and a partial lunar eclipse on the same night.
A scientific breakthrough in astrophysics demonstrates how stars and supermassive black holes interact.
Chemical signatures from the Chicxulub asteroid’s impact—which caused a mass extinction on Earth 66 million years ago—match those of carbonaceous meteorites formed beyond Jupiter.
Astronomy enthusiasts are in for an amazing treat this month.
The ultra-rare event puzzled scientists for more than a year—but a new study suggests that “polar rain” and a lack of solar wind caused the ginormous aurora.
Astronauts spending time at the International Space Station stay hydrated with a refreshing, filtered blend of recycled shower water and pee.
Solar storms are one of the most extreme types of space weather, and big ones can cause electronic malfunctions, GPS breakdowns, and gorgeous northern lights.
Some experts believe the Kármán Line is the deciding factor, but others aren't in agreement about where the frontier of space really begins.
Skygazers know that the arrival of May’s full moon—dubbed the “flower moon”—is a harbinger of warmer weather, burgeoning plants, and animal activity.
The James Webb Space Telescope has captured the sharpest images of the Horsehead Nebula ever taken.
Mercury retrograde will make the planet appear to move backwards. No, that doesn’t mean your electronics or your relationships will fail.
If you missed this year's total solar eclipse, this is your chance to see another once-in-a-lifetime celestial event.
Make some time for the Lyrid meteor shower and you’ll probably see shooting stars zooming across the heavens every few minutes.
In 1781, William Herschel looked through his telescope and saw Uranus.
Experience the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 from the comfort of your phone or laptop.
Humans will gaze in awe at the sun during the Great North American total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, but for your pets, it will be just a normal day.
The clip of the solar eclipse, recorded by a magician Nevil Maskelyne in 1900, could be the oldest footage of an astronomical event ever filmed.
Martian dust devils have been intriguing astronomers and climatologists for decades. Here’s some amazing trivia about these red planet whirlwinds.
If you want to experience the solar eclipse on April 8, this interactive tool has everything you need to know.
Total solar eclipse mania is gripping the United States. Should the wide-eyed and unprotected hazard a peek at this rare phenomenon?
SpaceVIP plans to send six gastronomic guests 100,000 feet above sea level in a giant hydrogen balloon.