15 Solid Facts About the Rosetta Stone
Its value as the key that unlocked the meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphs is world-famous—but the turbulent history surrounding the Rosetta Stone’s discovery and translation is more obscure.
Its value as the key that unlocked the meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphs is world-famous—but the turbulent history surrounding the Rosetta Stone’s discovery and translation is more obscure.
We give you an obscure word with four definitions—one correct, three made up. Can you identify the correct one?
Here's why medieval artists loved putting horns on Moses.
From 'bowline' to 'topgallant,' these nautical terms don't sound how they look.
The prefix ‘pre-’ often seems redundant—but it’s actually working hard to serve its purpose.
We have the military to thank.
This pithy word may only be three letters long, but it's deceptively complex. According to one lexicographer, it has 645 distinct definitions.
We give you an obscure word with four definitions—one correct, three made up. Can you identify the correct one?
For the next time you encounter a sea serpent, a blood-sucking fiend, or a creepy cryptid.
It has a little something to do with bees—a fact you can drop around the watercooler the next time your coworker says they spotted a mysterious drone in the sky.
Thinking about learning a new language? Here‘s a look at the most popular choices in the U.S. right now.
We cannot confirm nor deny we have an explanation.
Nickname-names like Ellie and Liam are in. Millennial and royal names are out. (Sorry Erin and William.)
“Dear Miss Saucy ... I hereby order you to give me as many kisses and as many hours of your company as I shall please to demand.”
We give you an obscure word with four definitions—one correct, three made up. Can you identify the correct one?
The terms are more literal than you might have assumed.
There’s a surprising connection between the capital of the Philippines and mailing important documents.
There are several theories as to where this phrase came from—and none of them involves the nuts.
The difference between misinformation and disinformation boils down to the intent behind it (or lack thereof). Plus, a handy trick for knowing which term to use when the time comes.
We give you an obscure word with four definitions—one correct, three made up. Can you identify the correct one?
Sometimes regular English words—words that have commonsense but slightly fuzzy meanings—must be defined more precisely for food labeling.
We give you an obscure word with four definitions—one correct, three made up. Can you identify the correct one?
Today’s work-related ailments have nothing on these (mostly) historical diseases. You’ll be glad you're not suffering from Hatter’s Shakes—or worse, Chimney Sweep’s Scrotum.
‘Six feet under’ may be an obvious nod to death, but other phrases are a little trickier.