The Power of Pluto

Okay, I'll admit it: I've been reading a weekly horoscope put out by the astrologers over at for the last six years or so. They also send me a daily, but I've never found it to be even remotely accurate. The weekly, on the other hand, has often been spot-on, if you can believe that, and when not accurate, at least the cause of much mirth.

Now, I don't know much about how astrology works, but I do know this: our bodies are made up of 55-75 percent water. And we all know how the waxing and waning of the moon affects the tides, rivers and seas (70-some-odd percent of the Earth's surface). So why shouldn't the planets affect our moods, at least?

I've read that homicides, suicides, fatal traffic accidents, aggravated assaults and psychiatric emergency room visits have shown lunar periodicities. I've also noticed the majority of bench-clearing brawls in Major League Baseball occur on the full moon and the neighbor's dog, Oscar, seems to get a bit barky.

But what about the planets' influence on us, especially now that Pluto has been demoted? It kinda makes you wonder how such a huge piece of news will affect astrologers forecasts. And while I'm still unclear on some of the whys and hows, after the jump, you can read an email I got on this very subject from recently, which I found pretty interesting.

Pluto, discovered in 1930, was named for the Roman god of the underworld and is considered by most Western astrologers to be the ruler of Scorpio. The recent decision by the International Astronomical Union to demote Pluto to "dwarf planet" status in no way diminishes the importance of Pluto in chart interpretations. Astrologers have had decades to verify Pluto's influence and will continue to use it as an indicator of transformation, rebirth, personal power, and sexual issues. If Pluto has a prominent position in your chart, the meaning will not be changed by the recent scientific reclassification.

Any readers out there have anything else to add on this subject?