We had so many entries in the "tell us why you're above average" Prairie Home Companion DVD contest that we couldn't pick among them -- so, as predicted, we had to draw them out of our favorite Minnesota-y woolly hat. (It looks like the one at left.) And the five winners are...
1. Cindy Smith: "I consider myself an above average mental flosser because of the above average amount of time I put into my life... I work full time, go to school at night for a degree in physics, oil paint, glass paint, write poetry, make my own Halloween costumes and am in the process of raising a wonderful 14 year old son, who is also above average (and whom I'm sure will love this movie). BTW, my son reminded me to say that there is actually no such thing as 'average' -- it is just a number that approximates an arithmetic mean. So everybody is either above-average or below-average... but nobody is average. We probably deserve a copy just for knowing that."
2. Mary Korns: "I was an above average child and that's the Lake Wobegon requirement. Now I'm still above average because if I weren't I'd be dead. At 82 I'm past the average check-out date."
3. Larry Fisher: "I'm above average because I'm still smiling after experiencing the following over the past two weeks: My brother had 2 heart attacks and went cold turkey from his addictions during his convalescence; I fell while visiting my brother's apartment and broke my arm; I attended my friend's funeral; my washing machine died, and I couldn't disconnect the old one so they could install the new one because my arm's broken; mothers of small children have started pointing at my cast and saying, 'See what happens when you're not careful?'"
4. Connie McKinney: "1. Even though I don't always get to church, I start the day with Luther's morning prayer and my devotional; and 2. At pot lucks I try to take more than I eat and always make sure one is a casserole. 3. I'm an underpaid social worker, so I do the whole faith PLUS works thing, even though the works is just extra credit, I know. 4. I don't lie very often, just when I want to win contests."
5. Kathy Wilcox: "I deserve a copy of the DVD because, not only do I know what IMDB (Internet Movie DataBase) stands for, I read it regularly for tidbits like this: 1. Cast members did their own performing including singing and playing instruments. 2. Meryl Streep's mother-in-law helped her practice the Midwestern accent necessary for this role."
Clearly these five also have above-average luck (at least where this contest is concerned; we're not sure about poor Larry otherwise). Folks, if you haven't already, send us your addresses, and we'll get your DVDs on their way.
For the rest of you, this week's new contest will be announced a little later today...