What up with Illinois, guys?
I was visiting my folks in Philadelphia over Thanksgiving and noticed something odd: it seemed to me there were many more men walking the street than women. Now, I'm not usually the kind of OCD neurotic who keeps track of such ratios as they pass by (and if you are, this post is going to be extra-interesting for you), but it got me wondering: are there really more men in the city than women? I did some research and found out that there are, as you'd expect, actually more women than men. But I also discovered there are plenty of places in the country where that isn't true; where men, in fact, outnumber women by an astounding number.
Here, then are the top ten towns (or should we call them Viking ships?) with populations over 2000 where men rule the land:
- Baldwin, Illinois (94% men, Median age: 30.7, pop. 3627)
- Irving, Illinois (90% men, Median age: 31.9, pop. 2484)
- Ina, Illinois (90% men, Median age: 33.8, pop. 2455)
- Altamont, Pennsylvania (87% men, Median age: 33.9, pop. 2689)
- Carlisle, Indiana (86% men, Median age: 33.6, pop. 2660)
- Clifton, Tennessee (85% men, Median age: 34.7, pop. 2699)
- Dannemora, New York (84% men, Median age: 34.0, pop. 4129)
- Jessup, Maryland (83% men, Median age: 34.3, pop. 7865)
- Fort Dix, New Jersey (83% men, Median age: 33.5, pop. 7464)
- Sheridan, Illinois (83% men, Median age: 30.6, pop. 2411)
The site is called city-data.com, and you can also put your zip code in their search engine and get a bunch of interesting stats for the town you live in, with graphs and such... very cool. Check it out, and check out all their other lists, like the Top 100 Cities with Shortest Commuting Times, or if you happen to be single, and live in one of the Viking ship cities, and are wondering why you can't meet anyone, check out their Top 100 Cities with the Largest Percentage of Females.