How To Get Your Resume Noticed
Back in February, a post about illegal interview questions sparked a great discussion about terrible interviews. We piled on the folks doing the hiring. But the candidates across the table aren't without their faults. Following a tip from Shannon of Wired and Hired, I found a list of (supposedly) real lines from real resumes and cover letters, courtesy of They may be too good to be true.
- I saw your ad on the information highway, and I came to a screeching halt.
- Here are my qualifications for you to overlook.
- Previous experience: Self-employed—a fiasco.
- Graduated in the top 66% of my class.
- I have recently sold my home and I now live in a large RV so I will be able to relocate quickly.
In my limited interviewer experience, the most baffling answer I've received came in response to the always popular "So, what do you like to do for fun?" question.
"Impress clients."
He did not get the job.
My second-best story in this genre was a resume that said, "Persuing Excellence" at the top. Let this be a lesson to all you recent graduates out looking for work. If you want your resume to get noticed, make bold, ridiculous and grammatically suspect claims.
If any interviewers care to share their humorous horror stories, the floor is yours. We'll still accept bad interviewee stories as well. Those were good.