Some of our early _floss posts

So I'm going to be on the radio tomorrow afternoon (5 pm Pacific time)—on a great show produced from the OC called Writers on Writing. And thanks to the wonderful World Wide Web, you'll be able to tune in via live stream, iffin' you'd like, or catch it later on an iTunes podcast. (On the KUCI website, click the stream link in the upper right-hand corner.)
And while most of the interview will be about my first novel, Behind Everyman, there will also be some talk of a novel I just finished called The Art of Love, as well as some talk about the _floss. So I thought it might be a good time to drop some trivia about the history of the _floss. For those who can tune in tomorrow, the first one to hear me drop a related _floss-factoid on the show and enter it in the comments below will receive an autographed copy of my book, and maybe even a _floss t-shirt (if Mangesh is feeling generous).

The early daze:

Mangesh posted the very first entry on this blog, way back on March 1st, 2006. It was about a rather sick cat-piano of sorts (what's with this site's infatuation with cats?!)

The first non-Mangesh post to the blog was by John Green on March 31st, 2006, and had something to do with Descartes looking like Inigo Montoya.

Technically, you might say March 31st was also the day the blog went live, since all the other early bloggers (including yours truly) also posted a couple times that day. One of my first was about the then-upcoming Pixar release, Cars.

Will's first post, a short one about very long things, including the world's longest animal, the Ribbon Worm, is also worth noting, as is this one from Mary on a cool application that let's you plug in your own text to Einstein's e=mc2 chalkboard.

Back then, the only comments we were getting were from ourselves, but a little over a year later and we now have over 2,500 posts and nearly 12,500 comments! So thanks to all you loyal readers out there and tune in tomorrow at 5pm Pacific Time (8 pm EDT) for more trivia.