Another Chance To Win A T-Shirt: Help Us Name The Ten _flossiest Places To Live

Unless you're a lifeguard or summer school teacher, work often slows down in July and August. Employees are on vacation. Clients and customers are on vacation. And it's too nice to be inside.

Because of our school calendar, perhaps we're conditioned to mentally check out at high temperatures. Or maybe I'm just trying to rationalize laziness. Either way, navigating your way through an August workday can be as challenging as the job itself.

To pass the time, I've come up with a handful of questions for your consideration. I'll post one each day this week. We'll start with a contest. Here goes.

I recently read a Fast Company article on The 30 'Fastest' Cities for 2007 "“ places that "best embody economic innovation and opportunity." They named all the usual suspects: San Francisco, Dubai, London, Shanghai, New York. Plus a few I didn't expect: Des Moines, Havana, New Orleans, Bozeman (Montana).

Let's borrow Fast Company's (Number) + (Adjective Variation on Our Name) + (Noun or Phrase) + (Year) formula to see if we can discover The 10 _flossiest Places to Live for 2007. I will broadly define "_flossiest" as "full of entertainingly intelligent people." Don't use SAT scores to back up your claim, or advanced degrees or per capita income. Flossiest can't be measured in statistics. It's a gut feel from your time living there.

Make your case by leaving a comment, backed up with anecdotal evidence. If you want to supplement your argument with a photo, email that to me separately here.

After conferring with my fellow mental_floss bloggers, we'll announce The 10 _flossiest Places to Live for 2007 next week. If your nomination is selected as #1*, you win the mental_floss t-shirt of your choice. Numbers 2 through 10 earn you the thanks of a grateful local real estate industry.

*If more than one person nominates the same place, we'll pick the most compelling nomination. Unless we're feeling extra generous.