In the Beginning: Do a little dance!

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Dancing (for fun)

Since dance doesn't leave behind artifacts, we can't really tell you who was the first caveman to get up and do a jig. (There's a little evidence of dancing in Egyptian tomb paintings) What we can tell you quite a lot about is...

The Waltz
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The Polka

It sounds like it should be Polish "“ but hold on, the polka is actually Czech. First embraced in the middle of 19th-century Bohemia, and the name was originally the Czech word pu _ lka, meaning "half-step." So what's the Polish connection? The Czechs changed the name to "polka" around 1830 as a demonstration of solidarity with their neighbors, the Poles, who were fighting Russian rule in the November Uprising at the time.

The Tango
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The Charleston

Named for the city in South Carolina, the dance was popular among African-American dockworkers but quickly got co-opted by young whites looking for an easy way to express their disdain for Prohibition. Later, it would give rise to Lindy Hop, which in turn was a forerunner of swing. The basic Charleston step, however, was incorporated into both dances. Here's what you need to know: rock left, step right, kick left, step left, kick right, knee right, kick back right, step right. Trust us, it's easier if you just pretend you're a flapper and freestyle it.

The Twist
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The Lambada

Perhaps appropriately for such a passionate dance, the Lambada has warring factions arguing over who came up with it first. Some think it came from Brazil (where several other dances appear to be its ancestors); others argue that a song from Bolivia started it all. Either way, the 1990 movie Lambada made it an international hit. But don't refer to it as the "Forbidden Dance" when in conversation with a Brazilian or a Bolivian. Lambada dancers prefer to think of their pastime as sensual, not sexual. And whatever you do, don't mix it up with...

La Bamba
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