Thankfully, I'm no celebrity. But that doesn't stop people from confusing me with Adam Sandler, Jason Biggs, Ben Stiller, Jerry Seinfeld or even, once, Seth Green. Now, would you confuse any one of those four guys for another? By asking me for Jerry Seinfeld's autograph in Ikea (verily I say unto thee) are you actually saying I'm really just a familiar, funny, Jewish face? When confusing me with Adam Sandler on the beach in Malibu is it because you know he lives there "“ so, naturally you'd expect to run into him there while using the public toilet? (Once again, I jest not.)
Almost all of us have been compared to one celebrity or another at one point in our lives. Almost all of us have a celebalike or two "“ that's my word for the celebrity you get compared to most often. It can be annoying, it can be fun, it can even be annoyingly fun. Now there's a Web site that capitalizes on our obsession with celebalikes:
The main purpose of the site is to build a family tree, but they've also got this cool face recognition tool with thousands of photos of celebs in their database. After uploading your mug into their database, the site spits out your top matches in real time.

And remember: Even celebrities get confused for celebrities. Leonard Bernstein was on a plane once and a man asked for his autograph. Only it wasn't Bernstein's autograph the fellow wanted, it was Kenny Rogers'!
So how "˜bout you???