Things Nobody Told Me: Brooklyn's Bizarre Team Names
This is an old idea I'm still trying out where I talk about something trivial I just learned about and then act outraged about how nobody told me. Here goes: Last night the WKU Hilltoppers were playing in the Sweet 16, and my roommate claimed it was the best team name he'd heard of since the old Brooklyn Dodgers' name. So:
Why did no one tell me that the Brooklyn Dodgers used to go by the Brooklyn Bridegrooms?
I'm just a little infuriated that such a funny name has been kept from me for so long. In fact, the Bridegrooms are just one of the many ridiculous names Brooklyn's favorite team once used. They also went by:
-The Brooklyn Robins
-The Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers
-The Brooklyn Superbas (named after a popular acrobat act)
-and The Brooklyn Grooms
The press gave the team the name. And it wasn't just because they were big fans of alliteration, either- apparently, most of the players got married in the same season and the press couldn't help but take notice. Also confusing to me was the fact that the Bridegrooms used to wear starched collars and little nubs of ties. I'm guessing, however, that all the dapper dressing (along with all the mustache wax) helped them attract the lady folk in the first place.
For the only other Things Nobody Told Me on Boy Scout Fashion click here.