They say when you find something that works, you should stick with it. You may find that others want to participate too, even if your site is all about one very specific subject.
Big Beautiful Wonder Woman

Cartoonist Jamar Nicholas started The Big Beautiful Wonder Woman Blog to share his collection of drawings featuring the zaftig superhero. He invites artists to share their own vision of queen-sized Wonder Woman, whether that vision is curvaceously cute (like the drawing by Chrissie Altese on the left) or covered in cellulite (as in the drawing on the right by Derrick Fish).
Ice Cream People

Brian Butler is conducting A Survey of Ice Cream Entities, and wants your photgraphic or artistic evidence of Ice Cream People.
The intent of this project to get the Ice Cream Person recognized among the greatest of supernatural beings, (right up there with Bigfoot, Lochness, and UFOs).
According to the FAQ, an Ice Cream Person is "a hybrid creature composed of both human and ice cream parts." The hybrid on the left is by Sir Mitchell and the plush on the right was created by Jenny Harada.
Skull a Day

Noah Scalin makes skulls. He created Skull-A-Day to showcase his artwork, and posted one every day, as you could guess from the title. The skulls are made from some surprising materials, such as his Googley-Eyed Skull and Sewn Skull.
The reality of making so much art is eventually I burned through all of the materials/ideas at hand and had to reach out to others for help, and really that's been some of my favorite work. I was also completely surprised by the community that grew up around the project and the fact that the Braincase (the submissions section), which I had never intended to be a part of what I was doing, turned into such a large part of the project.
Scalin still produces a skull for every day, but posts submitted skulls in addition. A recent contest invited people to illustrate Mr/Mrs Squarehead Skull.
700 Hoboes

The 700 Hoboes Project was inspired by the book Areas of My Expertise by John Hodgman, in which the author names 700 hoboes (800 in the paperback edition). Mark Frauenfelder of Boing Boing suggested that artists illustrate each name, and that's exactly what happened. The submissions initially came into a Flickr set, and then a website was created for the project. There are now 1769 illustrations of hoboes. Honest Amelia Dirt by Ape Lad (Adam Koford) is on the left, and Slow Motion Jones by xandrian is on the right.
Mickey Feio

Mickey Feio (Ugly Mickey) is a Brazilian site with depictions of Mickey Mouse that would make Walt Disney turn in his grave. It began as a showcase for the International Ugly Mickey Contest, but after contest was over, the Mickeys kept coming! The mouse on the left is by artist Danilo Beyruth, the emo Mickey on the right is by Monike Demikoski.
Che Feio

Ernesto Che Guevara was a very handsome revolutionary in life and an icon in death, but that icon is fodder for parody. Che Feio (Ugly Che) as another Brazilian blog that takes submissions of Che art using massive amounts of artistic license. In Portuguese. The works here are by Estenio Arantes (left) and Bruno Pagani (right).
Bad Spock Drawings

The idea behind Bad Spock Drawings is stated in the first post by creator Jason Robert Bell, also known as Caveman Robot.
A few weeks ago I was doing my daily hour of "mindless doodling" and this Bad Spock was created, something about it made me laugh, and I realized that there needs to be more Bad Spock drawings! Not just drawings by me, but all the other artist/ free thinkers I know as well, a giant step for illogical thought.
The picture that inspired him is on the left. Many have contributed, including Kyle Thye, who did the confused Spock on the right.
Do you know of more sites that would fit this description?