Odds/Ends: New Shirts Are Here!

"¢ New shirts are now available in the mental_floss store, courtesy of readers Autumn Dell ("Archaeologists will date any old thing") and Colin Neagle ("Holland: Can't Dutch This"). Plus Katie Kelly's wildly popular "Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever!" is now available in blue. We'll be rolling out reader-submitted shirts all summer.

"¢ The surge in internship applications has slowed our evaluation process. We hope to pick the lucky winners by Tuesday, May 27. The applications have been stripped of candidate names, so I can't tell you whether yours has been read. But I can tell you the competition is fierce (and in many cases, quite entertaining). Stay tuned.

"¢ Thanks to everyone who's been Buzzing our stories. You'll notice a 'Buzz up!' icon on the top right of certain posts. Through Yahoo! Buzz, we've been able to get a few mental_floss articles on Yahoo.com. This has done wonderful things to our traffic statistics. Much appreciated!

"¢ We still owe someone a copy of that Guns N' Roses book. I've tried to contact the winner-chosen-at-random, but haven't heard back. If we don't get a response by tomorrow, we'll award the book to a random runner-up.

"¢ Former floss regular Mary Carmichael wrote this week's cover story for Newsweek, on bipolar disorder. Well done! Jon Meacham talks about Mary in his Editor's Note.


"¢ And finally, we have a new addition to the mental_floss team. Welcome Liam to the Cleveland office! More pics of Liam, Emmitt, Leo and Bailey can be found on our Facebook page. And you don't need a Facebook profile to see them.

This concludes today's announcements. Thanks and have a great day.