Last week my computer died. I have a new one, but I lost my work notes and bookmarks, so I've been looking through my online archives to get back up to speed. The process is a stroll down memory lane, where I found many image generators that I've had fun with over the years. They'll come in handy, since I can't find my original Photoshop disc!
1. Demotivators
Despair, Inc. has made a name for themselves by producing hilarious parodies of the classic motivational posters you see in workplaces. They also provide a generator so you can make your own.
2. Mini-Figs

The Mini-Mizer helps you create virtual Lego mini-figs that look like different fantasy characters, or even people you know! The mini-fig on the left is me in my natural habitat. On the right is an approximation of Mangesh in a more formal setting.
3. Image Macros

LOLcat Buildr does just that -it helps you build LOLcats, or image macros. Upload a picture (no, it doesn't have to be a cat) and add a caption. For a classic LOLcat macro, use the default impact font. After you finish your work, you can submit it to I Can Has Cheezburger with one button.
4. Comic Strips

Bitstrips is a social network site built around a comic strip generator. Design your characters, save them, and create comic strips. You can also connect with other users and use their characters as well. This strip was based on a true story.
5. Comic Panels

Comic Strip Generator has a catalog of hundreds of characters. Al you have to do is fill the speech balloons, although you can also rename the strip and make notes at the bottom. It's a part of Custom Sign Generator, a huge list of pictures you can personalize. And they really really want to sell you a refrigerator magnet with your customized image.
6. Signs and Scenes

Atom Smasher has a collection of customizable scenes. Besides the Wheel of Fortune scene, you can put your name on a restaurant sign, road sign, or error message.
7. Doll Maker

8. Word Search

9. Movie Posters

Make your own movie poster with this Flickr application! Upload a photo and add as many credits as you like. You can get a hi-res version of your finished product, and even order a full-size poster.
10. Speech Bubbles

Say What from Wigflip adds speech bubbles to your pictures. I like this generator when you have a small picture or a lot to say. The speech bubbles waste no room and you can add as many bubbles as you like. Wigflip also has an application to make speech bubbles without the picture.
You'll find many more image generators at The Generator Blog. Do you have a personal favorite that isn't listed here?