Friday Happy Hour: Your First Halloween
1. Even though she's not aware of it, today marks my daughter's first Halloween, and her bumble bee costume is ready to go. I think my first costume was a pumpkin, which I followed up on subsequent Halloweens with Big Bird and a purple Honker. What was yours?
2. A couple years ago, I kept a running diary of all my trick-or-treaters. Unfortunately, I got held up at work and only was around for four knocks on the door. Here was one of them:
"8:45pm: I just had my second visitor: a middle-schooler wearing a red t-shirt with the words "Skittles Candy" lazily ironed on. Even if executed brilliantly, this was a crappy costume. She was half-assing Halloween in every respect. Never even said trick-or-treat. To be fair, she couldn't say anything to me, since she was talking on her cell phone. She took one Butterfinger. I did not offer her more."
How are the trick-or-treaters in your neighborhood?
3. Speaking of treats, what's your single favorite kind of candy?
4. Speaking of tricks, what's the most memorable prank you ever pulled on someone (doesn't have to be Halloween related).
And don't forget to send us your Halloween photos— Ransom Riggs will be posting our favorites next week. It'll be hard to top Paul & Stacy Conradt's Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett. Have a look:
[Stacy wanted to give special thanks to the woman who made that pie purse. Here's a link to her Etsy shop.]