Odds/Ends (Now with more 'Odds')

Every now and again, I compile a list of mental_floss announcements and post them under the heading 'Odds/Ends.' There is no semi-regular feature people read less. In an effort to change that, I'm going to start surrounding my updates with random facts and links, the same way I coat Bailey's pills with peanut butter and stick them in her Kong (this tactic is not pictured.) Let's begin.
We'll be making a separate announcement later today, but I'll break the news here. This week, we're having a big mental_floss t-shirt sale. All shirts are $14.90. Visit our store, fill up your cart, and use the code holidayteeparty during checkout.
It was recently announced that First Daughters Sasha and Malia Obama will be attending Sidwell Friends School. Every story I saw on the subject mentioned that Chelsea Clinton was a Sidwell alum, but she's not the only one. In addition to other children of famous politicians, ABC News anchor Charlie Gibson, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Anne Applebaum, and science guy Bill Nye all graduated from Sidwell. Nancy Reagan attended elementary school there in the 1920s, and Gore Vidal was a Sidwell student from 1934-36. Going to school with important people is nothing new for the Obama family. Way back in March of 2007, we discussed notable alumni of Hawaii's Punahou School, where the President-Elect graduated.

Saturday was the 45th anniversary of the day President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. I had planned to re-post Stacy Conradt's Armchair Field Trip to the Grassy Knoll over the weekend, but that plan failed miserably.
Friend-of-the-floss (and occasional contributor) Erica Palan was recently put in charge of the Philadelphia Weekly style blog PW Style. If you're into either "Philadelphia" or "style" (or just like to support our freelancers), check her out.
If you pre-ordered a "D'ow!" shirt, I'll be getting in touch with you next week with instructions on how to complete your order.
My daughter is not yet of Sesame Street-watching age, so this might be old news to parents. But I enjoyed this Sesame Street spoof of 30 Rock:

Seems like a good place to call it a post. Now go stock up on t-shirts!

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