Stacy Conradt's story on Muppet origins is currently sitting atop CNN's Most Emailed list. Congrats to Stacy, and a warm welcome to all you first-time visitors who came from CNN. Make yourself comfortable and stay a while. Read some lists. Take a few quizzes. Peruse our selection of t-shirts. Sorry, sorry. I'm being pushy. Let me know if you need anything.

We're still accepting photos from readers posing with mental_floss magazine. The pics above are from Carrie and Steve. They enjoy a good _floss on the beach near their home in Curacao, where we hope to one day open a satellite office. Email your photos to There will be prizes. (Prizes TBD.)
Tomorrow, Paul Sorene of Anorak will make his mental_floss debut. He'll be our first contributor from the UK. Get fired up for all the glorious British slang.
In social networking news, Andréa Fernandes has been playing around with and adding photos to our Facebook page, and Stacy recently posted about our foray into Twitter.
I love a good haiku contest as much as the next person. The Extensis Community Blog is currently holding one focused on your favorite font. Gift cards are there for the taking. Our next book giveaway will be a haiku challenge, and we'll give a t-shirt to the person who suggests the topic we choose for said haiku challenge (just leave a comment).