The New -Ism Finalists

Thanks to everyone who entered our Coin-Your-Own -Ism contest. Now it's up to you all to pick the winning "“ism. Below are our 10 favorites, as coined by you, our loyal readers. Drop your vote in the comments below and we'll name a winner. Remember, one vote per person. If we detect illegal favoritism, that particular "“ism will be disqualified. (Wait, that didn't sound right. Well you get my meaning.)

A) Skism (pronounced as "schism"): the popular Victorian sport of ski jumping over canyons created by family feuds. Fans will remember Reverend Marcus Hockengwesper, the only man to ever clear the I Think You're Too Good for My Daughter Gulch in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

B) Buellerism, which is not believing in "“isms

C) Fefifofumism - theory that the basketball team with the tallest players usually wins

D) Yabadabadooism - the bedrock of all beliefs

E) Recidivismism: The belief that history repeats itself

F) Perspicacityism-the unordained practice of worshipping practitioners of keen intellect

G) Memeism - characterized by people who follow every Internet meme in existence. People who suffer from this -ism are often found to speak lolcat language and dance strangely

H) Foshizzlism - The belief that You Got That Right.

I) First Impressionism: the belief that initial reactions to people are reliable. Maybe on a t-shirt, "Be careful, I believe in first impressionism."

J) (And because we couldn't resist) Flossism, the belief that mental_floss is the only true web site on the n