We Want Your Nerdy/Adorable Childhood Photos
1. In the new issue of mental_floss magazine, we've featured a few reader-submitted photos with celebrities. For the next issue, we'd love to show off some of your nerdiest childhood photos "“ and we'll post a bunch of them here on the blog, too, like we did last year (above: Chris Higgins with his science fair face on). So go searching through your parents' photo albums, find a scanner, and email your best pics to flossypics@gmail.com.
(We also owe you a gallery of reader tattoo pics. InternAndréa is working on that right now, and it'll go up next week, too.)
2. Speaking of InternAndréa, she's in New York today, up from school in Philadelphia. At first, I thought it would be an exciting day trip for her. But when the phrase "transfer in Trenton" came up while discussing her 3+ hour tour, I realized this wasn't exactly a business trip to write home about. What's your best or worst experience with business travel?
3. During the Yankees-Rays game on Wednesday, A.J. Burnett had a no-hitter through six innings. I weighed in, via Twitter:
Of course, the very next batter broke up the no-hitter, due in large part to my big jinx. (Sorry, A.J.) Now, I don't really believe my Twitter activity had an impact on a baseball game in Tampa. But I seem to jinx stuff all the time (Two recent examples: "The site hasn't crashed all day!" and "At least the painters didn't find any ceiling damage.") What events have you jinxed, whether you believe in that kind of thing or not?
4. On the way to the bus this morning, my 2003 Toyota Camry cruised over the 110,000 mile mark. What's the most miles you've put on a car? (And is it still on the road?)