Help Wanted: Summer Interns!
We could use a few extra hands around here. If you're especially talented, looking for something to do this summer, and willing to work for next-to-nothing, this job's for you.
Our interns "“Â we'll probably hire 2 or 3 "“ will each be assigned an intern project, to be determined. Other responsibilities could include the following: contributing articles and quizzes to, researching, proofreading, editing, and spreading the word about the _floss. Plus various not-so-glamorous administrative tasks.
How to Apply
Declare your candidacy by sending an email to before 11:59pm Eastern Time on Sunday, April 26. In your email, include the following:
1. Tell us about yourself (in a few paragraphs).
2. Tell us why you'd make a great mental_floss intern (if you're not a writer but feel you'd be able to make a contribution in another way, make your case.)
3. Come up with one great story idea, with a one-paragraph summary.
4. Come up with three ideas for timed quizzes (for example, "Name All 50 State Capitals in 10 Minutes" or "Name the Cosby Kids in 1 Minute"). Even if you don't land this internship, we might use your quiz idea -- and if we do, you'll get your name in pixels on the quiz banner and we'll send you a mental_floss t-shirt.
If you'd like to attach any writing samples or other materials, I won't stop you. But don't feel obligated.
The Particulars
You must be 18 or over to apply. The internship will run from roughly June 1 to August 31. You'll be paid a $750 stipend (in three installments). New interns will be notified during the first week of May.
Oh, and remember when I said we needed help "around here" in the first paragraph? That's not necessarily true. Almost all our past interns have worked remotely, from wherever they happened to be.
Looking forward to reading your entries. Good luck!