Okay shutterbugs, let's see a show of comments: Who likes Flickr and why? Who likes Picasa and why? Who has a better alternative for photo sharing (Photobucket, Ovi, Pikeo?) I'm using both Flickr and Picasa and I find that each has its strengths and weaknesses. (And I use them both on my desktop and iPhone).
For those who don't use either, or who don't know much about these great, powerful sites, here's some basics, plus my thumbnail review:
Picasa is Google's photo sharing site, enabling you to upload and share photos like Snapfish or Ophoto, etc. You can also buy prints through a third party (like Snapfish). The amazing thing about Picasa: it's a software app too, that sits on your desktop and organizes all your photos much the way iPhoto does.

Then, once you get all your photos looking the way you want them, Picasa lets you sync them up with your account online, so others can see them. You can even upload videos (though, for my money, they look pretty crappy, which is strange since Google has all that video technology on its side already).

The videos on Flickr look A LOT better to me than they do on Picasa. But here's the catch (isn't there always a catch?) you only get TWO videos a month, unless you want to shell out $25 a year for a pro account. But with the pro account, you can upload HD video (whoo hoo!).
Prints are handled by a third party called Qoop, and, like Picasa and all the others, you can upload your mobile photos directly to your account.
So that's my .2 cents. I think I'm leaning toward using Flickr exclusively. But let's hear from some real users out there. What are you using and what do you love about it? What do you hate about it? Include linkage in your comment so we can see what you're up to!