What You Missed & What We Learned
In case you weren't obsessively refreshing mentalfloss.com all week, here's what you missed:
Top 5 Stories Originally Posted This Week
1. The Quick 10: 10 Nuggets About McDonald's, by Stacy Conradt
2. 8 Disastrous Product Names, by Ransom Riggs
3. Invasion of the Zombie Animals, by Miss Cellania
4. Study Break: 7 College Cheating Scandals, by Ethan Trex
5. 10 More People Banned From Britain, by Linda Rodriguez
Top 5 Most Commented Stories
1. The Quick 10: 10 Nuggets About McDonald's, by Stacy Conradt
2. 8 Disastrous Product Names, by Ransom Riggs
3. The Quick 10: 10 Mean Moms, by Stacy Conradt
4. 8 Memorable TV Uncles, by Kara Kovalchik
5. No Photoshop Necessary: The Insanity Continues, by David K. Israel
Top 3 Quizzes Originally Posted This Week
1. Name the Top 10 Newspapers by Daily Circulation, by Carol McLaughlin
2. Baseball Brainteasers, by Jason Plautz
3. What's That Bass Line?, by David K. Israel
Top-Selling T-Shirt in Our Store
(Praise Cheeses! Get yours here.)
7 Other Things We Learned
1. If you want to meet your favorite celebrity, become a scientist, discover a new animal or insect and name it after him/her.
2. Scientists have some pretty cool ways to date things.
3. Whether you spell it "doughnut" or "donut," it's right (and delicious).
4. Your local stadium's vendors need a gimmick if they want to achieve even a modest level of internet fame.
5. Why text messages are only 160 characters.
6. If you're going to bribe a high school athlete to attend your college, use sturdy envelopes.
7. For many original Star Trek cast members, a recording career was the final frontier.
* * * * *
For more important life lessons, follow the _floss on Twitter. OK, maybe not life lessons. But we'll tell you which president had the most Supreme Court nominees rejected.