It's common knowledge that celebrities often change their names because they want a more memorable moniker or a name that will look great on a marquee (or movie poster, these days). But why did they pick the names they would be known by for the rest of their lives? Let the Q10 fill you in"¦

3. Jamie Foxx was born Eric Marlon Bishop. He changed his name when he started doing standup because he found that female comics often got to perform first "“ he thought "Jamie" was ambiguous enough that they wouldn't know if he was male or female and would at least put him mid-list somewhere. "Foxx" was in tribute to Redd Foxx, who also picked his own name"¦
4. Redd Foxx, AKA John Elroy Sanford (yup), got his first name because of the reddish tone in his hair. In fact, he was friends with Malcolm X, who used to call him "Chicago Red." When Redd started working in the entertainment business, he chose his new last name because of MLB power hitter Jimmie Foxx.

7. Nina Simone used to be Eunice Kathleen Waymon, which doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, does it? When she started playing at the Midtown Bar & Grill in Atlantic City, she started going by the name we know her as today. The "Nina" was adapted from the Spanish "niña," meaning "little girl," because it's what an old boyfriend used to call her. "Simone" was for French actress Simone Signoret.
8. Stevie Wonder's real name was Steveland Morris, but because of his insane talent, people started calling him the little boy wonder when he first showed up on the Motown scene at the age of 10. Berry Gordy, Jr. capitalized on this and named him Little Stevie Wonder for his first Motown contract.

If you could pick your own stage name, what would it be? I can't think of anything that doesn't make me sound like a porn star, so I'll defer to you guys. Inspire me!