Help eradicate hunger, win prizes!
Everyone knows that hunger is a big problem world-wide. But did you know right here in the U.S. we've got our own serious problem? That's why Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore made this video (with the help of non-celebs around the country), and why Mike Myers, Maggie Gyllenhaal, The Edge and a bunch of other famous folk made this vid.
Here in Los Angeles, the hunger capital of the country, 1 in 8 people are what we call food insecure. By my way of thinking, in a country with a network and infrastructure to feed everyone, that's just Fail with a capital F.
To do something about the growing problem, many organizations have teamed up under the banner Fed Up With Hunger, and are trying to spread awareness to stop the hunger.
I'm involved directly, making videos, like this one at an event where we screened Ghostbusters in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery (admission was 5 cans of food and we raised close to 5,000 pounds), and others you'll find on the Web site, which I produced.
So what can YOU do to help fight hunger?
Forward the video on the site's homepage to as many people as you can, to help educate people to the problem.
How do you get started? Simple: go to and watch the homepage vid. You'll see an option to forward it to your friends. The Web site tracks all the results, so be sure to enter your real e-mail address, or at least one where we can contact you if you win.
Bragging rights to the first person who can recognize the band and the song used in the video. Drop the answer in the comments below, if you know. Meantime, please post this to your FB/Twitter, etc. and help us get the word out!