It's no secret that Barack Obama has penned a couple of books "“ they flew off of the shelves during his bid for the presidency. In fact, most presidents have ended up writing their memoirs at some point after leaving the White House. But some presidents have chosen to write about the things that really interest them "“ fly-fishing, for instance. Here are 10 of those books (kind of refreshing, really, when a president chooses to not write about himself).

5. Leaders, Richard Nixon. Perhaps because he himself fell a little short, Nixon wrote a 1982 book that profiled the people he considered to be the greatest leaders of the 20th century. His list included Charles de Gaulle, Nikita Khruschev and Winston Churchill.

8. Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787, James Madison. Sounds"¦ fascinating. I mean, it probably is, when you really get into it, especially if you're a history buff. But the title? A little dry. What is interesting is that Madison refused to allow this to be published until after he and everyone else at the convention had died.
9. Good Citizenship, Grover Cleveland. If you've ever wanted a handy little pocket guide to what it takes to be a good citizen, our 22nd (and 24th) president can help you out.
10. Profiles in Courage, John F. Kennedy. When he was still a senator, JFK inked a little Pulitzer Prize-winner called Profiles in Courage, about brave and honorable senators throughout the history of the U.S. It has since been alleged (and confirmed, basically, by the writer himself) that the book was largely written by Kennedy's speechwriter, Ted Sorensen.