Is Stonehenge on your list of places to visit someday? If "someday" means more like "in 20 years" as opposed to "in October," you can get your Stonehenge fix elsewhere until you're able to make it to Wiltshire County, England. Here are 10 other Stonehenge-like places "“ some that are just as impressive as the real thing and a couple that are slightly tongue-in-cheek.

3. Callanish Stones. The Callanish Stones are apparently what happened long ago when the giants who lived on the Scottish isle of Lewis refused to convert to Christianity: they denied the religion and were turned into great lumps of stone. In reality, the site was erected sometime around 2900-2600 BC. It's not yet known if the stones were meant to be a burial tribute, a calendar, or both. Human remains have been found there, but the alignment of the stones also seem to correspond with positions of the moon.
4. Woodhenge can be found at the Cahokia Mounds in Illinois. At its peak in 1250 AD or so, Cahokia was the biggest city north of Mexico. And an advanced city at that "“ there's evidence that the cedar posts found in a circular pattern at the site were used to mark solstices and equinoxes. There's a Woodhenge just two miles away from the real Stonehenge as well.
5. Carnac Stones. The Carnac Stones (there are thousands of them) of Brittany, France, have a legend similar to that of the Callanish Stones "“a bunch of pagan soldiers were chasing Pope Cornelius (he was Pope from 251-253 AD) when he grew tired of their antics and turned them to stone. Theories as to the stones' actual use range from the usual calendar theory, to the idea that they made have been early seismic instruments, to the thought that Druids used them for religious and ceremonial purposes.

9. Foamhenge. Stonehenge wasn't built in a day"¦ but Foamhenge was. In Natural Bridge, Virginia, a man named Mark Cline decided to erect his own personal homage to the English curiosity. Rather than waste a lot of time and effort carving the whole thing out of rock, he decided that foam would do just as well. His first attempt was too light and the whole thing was carried off in the wind after just three months. Cline has since found a heavier substitute and claims that his creation might last longer than the real thing since Styrofoam is nonbiodegradable.
10.Fridgehenge/Stonefridge. You can probably guess what Fridgehenge is. And if not, I'll let this masterpiece speak for itself:

Have you been to any of these? Or is there a Stonehenge-esque phenomenon near you? Let us know in the comments!