The most traditional places to get married are a religious facility, the government office that issues marriage licenses, a resort, or a home. I've been married in each. Then there are those few people who hold their wedding ceremony at a retail outlet, while business as usual goes on around them. Some do it for sentimental reasons, some do it to save money, some do it for the publicity, and some just because they got a kick out of it.
1. The Apple Store
Ya Ting Li and Joshua Li met at the Apple store on Fifth Avenue in New York City. Both Apple fans, they decided that's where they wanted to get married. Officiant Henry Hu shopped for a black turtleneck to wear to the wedding. Just after midnight on Valentines Day, 2010 about thirty friends witnessed the ceremony at the always-open Apple store. A quote from Apple founder Steve Jobs was included in the vows.
"You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down."
Apple did not authorize the wedding, but allowed it to proceed.
2. Waffle House

George "Bubba" Mathis and Pamela Christian got married at the Dacula, Georgia Waffle House on Independence Day, 2008. After nine years together, they gave up on getting a day off together to tie the knot and just did it at their workplace. They had been determined to get married on July 4th (which was their "anniversary," although they didn't say what milestone they wanted to celebrate). For several years, the bride had to work on the holiday. The bride actually got the day off at the last minute, but Bubba had to work. They were married in the parking lot of the diner. See more pictures in this gallery.
3. White Castle

Jeff and Terry Parks of Indianapolis got married just last week at a local White Castle outlet. They won the wedding, catered of course, from radio station X103. The vows were as unconventional as the setting.
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today in the presence of the assistant manager and head cook in the hallowed and aroma filled halls of the Shelby Street White Castle. With this ring do you promise to allow Terri to keep you under her thumb and furthermore vow that together and forever you will rock and roll all night and party all day?"
This was not the first White Castle wedding. Kurby and Krystal McDonald were married in the London, Kentucky franchise in 2009, and Cyndie Nunamaker and Brian Wilson (and two other couples) were married at a Columbus, Ohio, restaurant in 2008.
4. Taco Bell

Paul and Caragh Brooks spent a total of about $200 on their wedding, in front of family and friends at a Taco Bell restaurant in Normal, Illinois. It was where they enjoyed hanging out, and since they were trying to save money on the ceremony, an unconventional location made it all the more memorable. She was in Australia and he was in Illinois when they met over the internet a year earlier.
5. KFC

Alex Bury and and Jack Norris performed their nuptials at a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in Toronto, despite the facts that they are both vegans! The 2008 wedding was a political statement, as they were celebrating KFC Canada's agreement to implement more humane methods of chicken farming. The groom is an employee of PETA. The wedding party was served the recently-introduced KFC vegan sandwich.
6. Walmart

Crystal Newsome and Robert Vickrey exchanged vows at the Walmart store in York, Nebraska, last fall. It only made sense, as Vickrey is the grocery manager and has been a Walmart employee for twelve years. Newsome has five years of Walmart experience under her belt, and is the deli manager. The ceremony took place in the lawn and garden department. Walmart weddings have also occurred in West Sacramento, California, Palm Harbor, Florida, Epping, New Hampshire, and other Walmarts.
7. McDonalds

Trisha Lynn Esteppe and Tyree Henderson of Fairborn, Ohio, considered McDonalds a romantic place to get married. So they did, in 2006. Both Esteppe and Henderson worked at the fast food restaurant where they met three years earlier. Patrons continued to order food during the ceremony. McDonalds weddings have also occurred in Long Island, New York, and Scottsdale, Arizona.
See also: Your Wedding: Star Trek or Star Wars? and 8 Very Different Weddings to Remember