5 Interesting Tributes to Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan on Mount Rushmore? Absolutely, if Grover Norquist has his way. As Chairman of the Reagan Legacy Project, Norquist believes that all 50 states should have a landmark of some kind named after the Gipper. At least 27 states already have something – streets, elementary schools, post offices, even an airport. But some of the things named in honor of the 40th President aren’t so typical. Check out five of the more unusual honors:

The Ronald Reagan Bust at McDonald’s in Northport, Alabama.
It’s not the bust that’s odd; it’s the location. On October 15, 1984, President Reagan gave a speech at the University of Alabama. He and his crew decided to stop off for a couple of burgers to show that he was just like everyone else. Apparently it was the first time the two Ronalds had collided, because the president had no idea what to order. He ended up going with a classic Big Mac, fries and a sweet tea. The next time you’re in Northport, be sure to check out the little shrine labeled “President Reagan ate here” that commemorates the event – there’s a photo of Reagan chowing down accompanied by a bronze bust.

The Ronald Reagan Suite at the Arlington Hotel in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
The Reagan Suite, where he actually stayed, is one of the smallest suites available. For real luxury, you’ll want the Al Capone Suite or the Smarty Jones Suite. I wonder if Reagan would be offended that he’s playing second banana to a racehorse? And yes, Reagan did actually stay there - as did President Clinton.

The Ronald Reagan Suite at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles.
Now this is a suite befitting of a president – in fact, it’s the entire 32nd floor of the historic hotel. And it’s no wonder they named it after him – Reagan stayed here so much during his presidency that it was nicknamed “the Western White House.” He even accepted the presidential nomination at the Century Plaza. That's him throwing a paper airplane off the balcony during one of his many stays there.

Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site, Marshall Islands.
Yep, that would be exactly what it sounds like: 750,000 square miles of space for testing missiles. Surprisingly, it’s not the only missile site named after Reagan - there’s another one called the Ronald Reagan Minuteman Missile Site in Cooperstown, N.D. The latter is now a historic site that documents the role of the North Dakota missile site during the Cold War.
