If you're a Trek fan, there's an embarrassment of riches for you on Twitter -- you can follow cast members including Wil Wheaton, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, heck -- even Shatner and Nimoy are tweeting! But while their feeds are great, they're not the best. The best Twitter feed for Trek fans (especially fans of The Next Generation) is a little gem called TNG Season 8 (@TNG_S8). Although it contains only 93 tweets, each is a hilariously fictional "Plot from the unaired 8th season of Star Trek: The Next Generation." These TV Guide-style summaries give us a vision of a TNG season that might have been, full of in-jokes for fans of the show. For example:
The Enterprise fills with water, Riker must swim through increasingly flooded Jefferies tubes to reach the valve. Data learns to snap.
— TNG Season 8 (@TNG_S8) October 16, 2011
Picard must broker peace between the Lizard Men and their delicious enemies the Cricket People. Wes still sleeps in that rainbow turtleneck.
— TNG Season 8 (@TNG_S8) January 9, 2012
The Enterprise must escape a temporal bubble before a nearby sun goes nova. Data and Geordi follow some train tracks to see a dead body.
— TNG Season 8 (@TNG_S8) February 21, 2012
Riker must battle the only thing in the galaxy he may not be able to defeat: A CLONE OF HIMSELF. Troi is torn.
— TNG Season 8 (@TNG_S8) January 19, 2012
Khan Noonien Singh's holodeck persona transfers itself into a Borg drone. Geordi & Data's harp duet is a stirring ode to friendship.
— TNG Season 8 (@TNG_S8) December 2, 2011
A space ninja completely disables the Enterprise with throwing weapons. Barclay's new outfit accidentally unleashes an unspeakable evil.
— TNG Season 8 (@TNG_S8) November 1, 2011
Enjoy the rest, my fellow nerds.