Whether snowmen, snow sculptures, or something that lands strangely in the middle, these snow structures are some of the most delightfully geeky ones out there.
1. Won't You Be My Neighbor?

I can’t tell you who actually made this incredible and adorable Totoro snowman, but I can tell you that it was featured on the Hayao Miyazaki Fan Page and that if a magical hat could bring any snow creation to life, I would hope it was this one. After all, who doesn’t want to play with their very own Totoro?
2. The Doctor is In

When it came time to create a snowy version of the Time Lord, Flickr user Great Beyond went with the Tom Baker version.
3. It's Bigger (And Warmer) On the Inside

If you're at all familiar with Whovians, you know that they'll make a TARDIS out of anything, including snow—like this one by DeviantArt user facethecookie.
4. Masters of the Snowiverse

Why build an igloo to huddle in when you can ask Kilroy III if he can make you a Castle Grayskull like this one, which comes complete with two full wings and a seat in each wing.
5. Hoth in Here

Look seriously awesome while sitting on some snow by building an incredible AT-AT sculpture like this one by Redditor bluebomber.
6. Snow Slug

On the other hand, if you want an excuse to force someone to sit in the snow in a gold bikini, Twitter user Fetts has got you covered. Best of all, this Jabba seems to be lifesize and appropriately colored.
7. The Droid You're Looking For

For those Star Wars fans who want to keep their snow sculptures fighting on the side of good and not evil, Jen C has set a more positive example with her delightful R2-D2 sculpture.
8. Return of the Snowman

When vandals knock over your snowman, get creative like this Redditor, who took advantage of his destroyed Gandalf the Gray by resurrecting the snowman into Gandalf the White.
9. Weapon of Icy Destruction

Another good solution to this problem involves creating snowmen that are already being destroyed and suffering, like those young Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes was known to make. Neighborhood vandals sure aren’t going to have as much fun destroying a snowman that’s already been slaughtered by an icicle like the one in this sad scene by Flickr user Pahz.
10. Who You Gonna Call?

Just a few pieces of fabric can make a huge difference when it comes to the personality of your snowman. After all, without the hat and neck piece, Redditor spmm’s Stay Puft Marshmallow Man would look more like the Michelin Man. But those few accessories made him the delightfully goofy monster we all loved in Ghostbusters.
11. Fun with ... Fungus

If you don’t feel comfortable in cold weather or just aren’t very good at sculpting, you can always try making your snowmen out of other materials. Fungus, for example, worked rather well for the team over at the J. Craig Venter Institute.
Well Flossers, now it’s your turn. If you’ve made any great geeky snow sculptures of your own, feel free to share the pictures or stories of the creation in the comments section. I wish I could join in the fun, but living in San Diego means snowmen aren’t my strong suit.