17 Web Toys for Your Procrastination Pleasure

Touch Effects
Touch Effects / Touch Effects

Sometimes you need to take a break from work and just veg out by doing something mindless and pleasant. TV or a game of solitaire is good for that, but both require a set time commitment. There are hundreds of alternatives on the internet in the form of web toys. These are sites that offer strange visuals, often interactive visuals, that require no real mental effort but might bring a smile to your face for a while.

1. Spider


Vector Park has some great toys and games, some of which are harder to figure out than others. Spider turns your cursor into a tiny spider, with which you can lead a fantasy animal around by his curiosity. 

2. Starfield


Ooh, cosmic! Starfield is just what it says on the tin. Pretend you are flying at warp speed through the galactic regions of the universe. Or something like that. Click your mouse button for extra effects. Take a turn and hold on!

3. Staggering Beauty


Staggering Beauty is a web page that comes with an epilepsy warning. The toy resembles the blown-air figures you see at used car lots to draw attention. But shake him vigorously and the page suddenly goes psychedelic!

4. Silk


Silk is an interactive drawing program (with music) in which you weave patterns of silky wisps of smoke across the screen to create horizontally-mirrored art. Whatever I draw, it ends up looking like a skull. Open the controls on the left to change color.

5. Many Lines


Sometimes you'd like to draw with many lines at the same time. That's what Many Lines is about. You have the options to turn off the colors and turn down the number of lines. Your "flair" depends on the speed of your cursor.

6. This is Sand


Have you ever made colored sand sculptures in a glass jar? You can do it online with no mess with This is Sand. Click and hold to drop sand, and press "c" to change colors. I didn't take the time to make anything particularly creative, but you might.

7. RGB


RGB is pretty simple. Just touch the letters. They will tell you what they are. A lovely way to annoy other people around you.

8. Cat Bounce


Cat Bounce

shows you bouncing cats. If your cats stop bouncing, you can pick them up and drop them again. No cats were harmed in the making of this web toy.

9. Koalas to the Max


Koalas to the Max is a classic that you may have played before. All you need to do is mouseover, but you may have to reserve a bit of time because it's so hard to stop! If you are extremely busy and a bit compulsive, you might want to save this one for later. Here are some similar pictures, and instructions for making your own.

10. Chicken on a Raft


Chicken on a Raft is a classic that doesn't do anything but test your patience. Another page that's perfect for annoying your co-workers.

11. Touch Effects


Touch Effects is a cosmic drawing toy in which you can adjust the parameters for your own enjoyment. Turn the tethers off and on for a totally different experience.

12. Proyecto


I'm not even sure if Proyecto is the true name of this page. It's full of creepy crawlies that keep following you around. You can try to outrun them or outwit them, but they keep coming anyway.

13. Falling Dominos


Falling Dominos is an ad for Coca-Cola, but it's nice to watch at least once.

14. LOLZ


LOLZ from Drawball is a face that changes depending on what you do. Take a little time to experiment with your mouse. I just like to make his eyes roll around all googly.

15. Bring in the Cats!


Bring in the Cats! features of course, cats. They have to load first, but it's worth the wait. May be an epilepsy trigger at times. I bet you leave this on longer than you should.

16. Winning Solitaire


Winning Solitaire is a cheat sheet for getting the payoff in online solitaire without actually having to win. Just click, and click, and click and hope someone catches you celebrating your "win." It's from Mr. Doob, who has many other things you can play with, such as pixelated paper, balls, and fire

17. Voxels


Voxels, another toy from Mr. Doob, invites you to build with blocks. This one can be as artful or as aimless as you want it to be. Click on the grid to add blocks; click anywhere else to change your point of view.