Jim Henson’s cave-dwelling Fraggle Rock critters hit the big 3-0 this year. In celebration, here are a few fun pieces of fan art celebrating those who “let the music play down in Fraggle Rock.”
1. Gobo In Carbonite

As the most adventurous Fraggle, it’s only fitting that Gobo would be the Han Solo of the group. And with that kind of a reputation, you have to expect the occasional carbonite freezing. As artist Phraggle points out, this would be a perfect wall display for the despicable Wander McMooch.
2. Doozers On Death Stars

Doozers are always building something, and live to construct massive structures. Artist James Hance has a point here—Darth would have done himself a favor if he hired these dedicated workers to build the Death Star. It’s doubtful the Rebels would have had a chance to destroy the structure before the Doozers completed their job! In a more patriotic look at the Doozers, Hance also had them raise the flag at Iwo Jima.
3. Sgt. Mokey’s Happy Hearts Club Band

James Hance has no shortage of Henson creatures in his “relentlessly cheerful art.” Aside from this great Fraggle-y take on The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper looks, he also has a take on Firefly featuring a variety of Muppets as well as Red and Wembley as Zoe and Wash, respectively.
4. A Hard Doozer’s Night

Hance isn’t the only artist to envision the Fraggles as The Beatles. Here’s the earlier incarnation of the band by DeviantArt user TheRogueSPiDER.
5. Keep Away From Sharp Rocks
James Hance’s “Firefrog” piece is precisely what inspired balloon artist Susanne Ritchie of Black Cat Balloon Company to create this delightful Wembley balloon sculpture.
6. Poor Little Boober

These days, much of the best Fraggle Rock art is actually created specifically for Archaia's Fraggle Rock comic. This great piece featuring a terrified Boober was created as a cover for the comic by DeviantArt user mooncalfe, who also had a 5-page story in the issue.
7. Full Metal Henson

When Red goes crazy, you’d better hit the deck … at least, that is assuming she goes postal like she has in this design by DeviantArt user zillford.
8. The Expedition

Another big source of Fraggle art as of late has been the Threadless design contest in honor of the show’s 30th anniversary. While DeviantArt user Lazesummerstone’s piece didn’t win the contest, it’s still delightful—particularly in the way that it manages to show off the individual personalities of the show’s five main characters.
9. Down At Fraggle Rock

While the show’s viewers know that Fraggle Rock has three exits and what they all connect to, it’s still quite fascinating to see all of the main species and characters involved in the show in one image. While DeviantArt user HeidiArnhold originally created this piece as part of the Threadless design challenge, it certainly stands up on its own merits as well.
10. Fragglecology

Here’s another view of the world of Fraggle Rock, and though this one doesn’t feature Marjory the trash heap, it does show how the Fraggle Rock ecosystem works. Essentially, DeviantArt user lazesummerstone has depicted the Fraggles' circle of life.
11. Getting Inside The Fraggles

Looking for more Fraggle science? How about an anatomy lesson? DeviantArt user Negaduck9 created this depiction of a Fraggle’s skeletal structure, noting that “No Fraggles were harmed in the making of this image, despite it looking like something exhumed from the back of Junior Gorg's garden. A Fraggle simply fell asleep while waiting in line at the airport and got slipped through the X-ray machine.”
12. My Little Fragglies

What would the five main Fraggles look like as My Little Ponies? Negaduck9 seems to have a pretty good idea, even down to their personalized cutie marks. She has also created an image showing Derpy Hooves, the My Little Pony, as a Fraggle. She even drew a self-portrait as a Fraggle.
13. Real Fraggles

Obviously, the Fraggles on TV are cute little puppets made by Jim Henson. DeviantArt user Pristichampsus has a good idea as to what they look like in the real world, and while the result is interesting, it’s not nearly as cute.
14. The Newest Fraggle

While most fan art involves paintings, drawings or some kind of digital art, DeviantArt user Tanglewood-Thicket’s puppet is particularly fitting. Couldn’t you just see this cutie dancing away next to Mokey?
15. A Rainbow of Fraggles

When you’re working with creatures this colorful, putting them together in a rainbow of colors is only logical. DeviantArt user real-faker’s design is particularly charming in that although it is digital, it almost looks like an intricate paper sculpture.
16. Laundry Day

If Fraggles generally only wear shirts and are covered in a thick layer of body fluff, then are they still technically naked in this design by DeviantArt user aerinsol?
17. Fraggles vs. Minions

It looks like DeviantArt user Petzrick was imagining what would happen if the Fraggles encountered the apocalypse, but it’s actually the artist’s mashup between Fraggle Rock and the children’s horror film, The Gate. He says he imagines the evil minions as the total opposite of Fraggles, who are inherently good.
18. FragOl

Artist James Farr did a fantastic job merging Fraggle Rock and Portal in this fantastic mashup. Just imagine how much easier it would be for them to steal radishes from the Gorgs if they had a Portal Gun on their side.
19. Doozer Propaganda

Even hard workers like doozers need a little motivation now and then, and if it happens to come in the form of propaganda posters, then so be it. DeviantArt user mightyfilm does bring up an interesting observation with this piece though—doozers seem to not earn any financial rewards for all their hard work, so are they communists?
20. Doozers Do!

Here’s another propaganda-style poster for doozers, this one even more communist than the last. DeviantArt user duktoonz said this piece was inspired by the doozer toys on his desk that help keep him motivated to work all day long.
21. Doozers Just Wanna Have Fun

Maybe they aren’t communists at all. Maybe doozers really do just think work is the most fun activity in the world, so they’re always living it up. Either way, it sure is nice to see a doozer have as much fun as the one in this piece by DeviantArt user xanderthurteen.
22. Smell Like A Fraggle
While it might not technically be art, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab has created their own tribute to the Fraggles—signature scents. Gobo's cologne has notes of pink grapefruit and vanilla cream, Uncle Traveling Matt features dark chocolate, figgy vanilla and pear, and Red smells like sweet red currant, tangy cranberry, pink musk, and spicy pink pepper.