The Way The Wind Blows

Whatever its more practical uses might be, this moving map of wind patterns across the country is a calming and somehow poetic visualization of the very air around us.


Two more notable maps this week mark the location of all 17,000+ libraries in America, which altogether serve 96.4% of the population, and all 35,000 museums, “zoos, arboretums, historical societies, art galleries, aquariums and just about anything trying to teach people about a collection of…something.”


Neil Patrick Harris hosted the Tony Awards with aplomb, and while his closing rap (lyrics written about the show, during the show) wasn’t quite up to Jay-Z standards, it was an endearing attempt all the same.


John Oliver is attempting a coup of The Daily Show in Jon Stewart’s absence, and he’s promised to change everything he can get his English tea-drinking hands on.


@HillaryClinton joined Twitter this week, and she’s already fast approaching half a million followers with only two tweets and a truly excellent bio under her belt.


On the other end of the political spectrum, according to the most recent Gallup poll, former President George W. Bush is back in America's good graces.


Twenty years of research since the release of Jurassic Park has uncovered a lot of what the movie got wrong.


Thanks to a massive decrease in the circulation of small-denomination coins, India is experiencing a severe shortage of small change. Shopkeepers are making up for the difference by filling their cash registers with cough drops.