4 Problems You Might Encounter With the New iOS 11 Update

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Apple product owners who downloaded iOS 11 when it rolled out in September encountered everything from issues connecting to Wi-Fi to problems with certain apps. The release of iOS 11.1 about a month later was meant to resolve some of these bugs, but as many users are discovering, the new update comes with its own set of kinks that still needs to be hammered out. We’ve already covered the software’s maddening autocorrect glitch—here are a few more bugs and problems you might run into after upgrading to iOS 11.1, as well as some temporary workarounds.


The calculator app is still standard on iOS 11, but actually trying to use it with the new upgrade may give you inaccurate results. The app functions very slowly, so if you type too fast it might miss certain keys you press. Typing 1+2+3, for example, may register as 1+23, giving you a much different answer than what you’re looking for. You're better off double checking your math until the issue is tackled or downloading a third-party calculator app.


Rapidly depleting batteries were a major source of complaints about the first version of iOS 11. According to Buzzfeed, the situation doesn’t look much better on phones with iOS 11.1. If your phone’s power is dwindling faster than usual even with the new update, go to Settings and activate Low Power Mode to cut back on some unnecessary functions that zap energy.


This is another problem with the original iOS 11 that appears to have carried over to iOS 11.1. According to Forbes, some users have reported phone screens dimming on their own. This is likely caused by a feature called Auto-Brightness that adjusts the light of your device without warning. Turning off this feature is a little more complicated than it was with earlier operating systems. To do this, you need to go to Settings, then General, then Accessibility, and then Display Accommodations. There you’ll find your Auto-Brightness setting: Toggle it off or on depending on your preference.


Stuttering, lagging performance has been reported with both the initial iOS 11 and the new upgrade. Lifehacker reports that it’s mostly old phones (iPhone 7 and older) that are experiencing this issue. If you’ve put off downloading the new operating system onto your earlier model, you might as well wait until Apple releases an update that you know will run smoothly.