Today is Bill Murray’s 63rd birthday. In honor of the actor’s long and fantastic career, here's a look at some of his best roles as depicted by artistic fans.
1. Please Post Bills

Perhaps the best collection of art inspired by Bill Murray was at the Gallery 1988 “Please Post Bills” show, which exclusively featured art based on the actor. Here is one of the many great pieces from the show, Hero Design’s “Groundhog Day Info Graphic.” While the show has long since passed, you can still purchase one of the limited edition prints of this piece at the gallery’s website.
2. Bill-O-Rama

What’s better than a night at the Bowl-O-Rama? How about a night at a bowling alley filled with some of Mr. Murray’s best characters? Ian Glaubinger created this marvelous piece as his contribution to the Please Post Bills. I don’t know about you guys, but I would LOVE to go to this bowling alley.
3. No Tomorrow

What does a man look like when he lives the same day over and over again? Dave Perillo shows the slow progression of Phil Connors as the repetition wears on. Apparently, at one point he even gets a job as a groundskeeper at a golf club and on another day, he even tries to capture ghosts.
4. Slimed

While there were plenty of great moments in Ghostbusters, perhaps the most memorable scene to only feature Bill was the “he slimed me” line. Jason Edmiston captured that scene in perfect detail in his submission to the Please Post Bills show.
5. The Ghost Buster

What fan of the Ghostbusters wouldn’t want to read a pulp novel about Dr. Venkman, the Paranormal Detective? Adam Limbert’s fictional book cover was yet another great addition to the Please Post Bills show.
6. Aqua Zissou

Here is another of the artworks created for the Please Post Bills Show. This one, created by Graham Erwin, features the actor’s character from The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou floating in the ocean just hoping to catch the shark who killed his friend.
7. We’ll Start A Jazz Band

Please Post Bills isn’t the only art show with paintings of Bill Murray in the collection. Alice X. Zhang created this piece, based on a famous scene from Lost In Translation, for her solo, cinema-inspired “Moments” show at New York’s Bottleneck Gallery.
8. Pete Venkman

Similarly, Alex Leighton, aka Xander13, was part of a Gallery 1988 show when he created a work based on Bill Murray—but it wasn’t actually for the Please Post Bills. It was for their Three G’s show, which was focused on Ghostbusters, Goonies, and Gremlins. Here’s his take on a wooden version of Dr. Venkman, complete with that charming, handsome smile Dana Barrett experienced so many times.
9. Bill F-ing Murray

What’s better than an artistic rendition of Bill Murray? How about one with five Bill Murrays showing off some of his most beloved roles throughout his career? Jeff Victor’s “Bill F-ing Murray” demonstrates just how hilarious and talented the great actor is.
10. The New and Improved Venkman

Scott Fensterer completed this amazing work as a commission piece where he was asked to sculpt a replacement head for the Matty Collector Peter Venkman action figure. You can see the original version here so you can truly appreciate how much more realistic Fensterer’s version is.
11. Painting Peter

It’s hard to find any icon of geek culture that artist James Hance hasn’t covered, and Bill Murray is no exception. Here’s his take on the actor’s Ghostbusters character, simply titled “Peter.”
12. Dr. Venkman and Friends

For those who simply love the simplified, geometric styles of sixties pop art and the classic monsters and heroes of Ghostbusters, it’s practically impossible not to love this great image of Peter Venkman with Slimer and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man by Johnny Martini.
13. Venkman the Munny

As popular as Urban Vinyl toys are these days, you haven’t really made it until someone has turned you into a custom figure. Here’s proof that Bill Murray is still at the top of his game, as evidenced by artist Jonathan Jourdenais.
14. Sad Venkman With Slimer

Brad Hill specializes in making adorable clay sculptures of famous pop culture characters. His take on Doctor Venkman is particularly cute in part because the statue looks sort of sad, even while standing on Slimer.
15. Back Off Man…

From ultra-realistic to adorably cartoony, Peter Venkman is always a delightful character in any form and it's hard to get any cuter than this particularly precious creation made by artist Kevin Bolk.
16. Zombie Bill

When Bill Murray started starring in many independent drama movies such as Broken Flowers and Lost in Translation after the turn of the millennium, many fans of his comedic works started wondering if the actor had turned his back on outrightly silly films and some questioned if he had lost his comedic chops altogether. His surprise cameo in Zombieland put an end to those concerns though, as the actor shambled around his mansion pretending to be a zombie so he could live a happy existence despite the whole apocalypse occurring outside. DeviantArt user 25thPixel’s tribute to this cameo speaks to the impact it made in the film and the actor’s career.
17. Drink If You Dare

Here’s another great take on Bill’s Zombieland cameo, this one in the form of a functional jug –though I don’t recommend you actually drink from Ron Free’s mug, after all, no one knows what the inside of zombie Bill Murray contains.
18. Steve Zissou

Nolan Harris’ caricature of Bill’s character from The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou is so perfect that you can almost imagine him ranting about blowing up a shark with dynamite.
19. The Bill of the Future

Why did DeviantArt user funkwood decide to depict Bill Murray as a cyborg car with guns ravaging the wastes of the future? Because it’s awesome, of course. Besides, if Zombieland taught us anything, it’s that Bill Murray will survive any apocalypse scenario in style.