45 Wonderful Illustrations of Sea Life From 1868

Dry land covers only a small percentage of the planet. It’s no wonder, then, that we’ve always been a little mystified about what’s happening in the oceans, where weird creatures are the rule rather than the exception. The following illustrations were found in a book published in 1868 called The Ocean World, which is a compilation of the translated works of French scientist Louis Figuier. Each illustration was drawn from a specimen in the Museum of Natural History of Paris, where weird-but-beautiful things are collected.

1. The Argonaut


2. Stylaster flabelliformis


3. Sea Anemones


4. Chrysaora gaudichaudi


5. Rhizostoma cuvieri


6. Cephea cyclophora


7. Physophora hydrostatica


8. Agalma rubra


9. Praya diphys


10. Physalia utriculus


11. Asterias rubens


12. Pentacrinus europaeus


13. Ophiocoma russei


14. Sea Urchins


15. Synapta duvernaea


16. Oysters


17. Pectinidae


18. Spondylus


19. Razorfish


20. Turritellidae


21. Conus


22. Cypraeadae


23. Voluta


24. Tritons


25. Cerithium


26. Octopus macropus


27. Octopus vulgaris


28. Pinnoctopus and Cirrotheutis


29. Gigantic Cuttlefish


30. Palinurus vulgaris


31. Corystes cassivelaunus


32. Raia batis


33. Raia clavata


34. Shark


35. Hammerhead shark


36. Orthagoriscus and Tetraodon


37. Balistes


38. Diodon pilosus


39. Trumpet Pipefish


40. Seahorse


41. Cyclopterus


42. Flying Fish


43. Frogfish


44. Stomia bea


45. Swordfish


Collected from The Ocean World: being a descriptive history of the sea and its living inhabitants, translated from La Vie et les Moeurs des Animaux, by Louis Figuier, and illustrated under the direction of Charles Bévalet from specimens in the Museum of Natural History of Paris, 1867-1868. Where applicable, binomial nomenclature has not been altered from the book's text to avoid misclassification of species.