What Does Game of Thrones Have In Store for Grey Worm and Missandei's Relationship?


When you think of Game of Thrones, chances are you imagine Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, or Cersei and Tyrion Lannister. However, there are plenty of characters who we love (or love to hate) just as much, even though they have far less screen time. Case in point: Grey Worm and Missandei.

With all the craziness happening in Westeros, we often forget how great a story this pair has. Grey Worm, who was once only known for his skills in combat, showed his soft side when falling in love with Dany's handmaiden and advisor, Missandei. And it seems their romance will play a part in the final season, though we're not sure to what extent.

When asked about the future of the couple's relationship, Jacob Anderson—the actor who plays Grey Worm—told Metro:

"We’ll just have to see. I think that that is quite a big part of that character’s story, his relationship with Missandei. So it’s fair to assume that’ll be a factor in the next season. But there’s a lot going on so …"

Anderson went on to recall his "heartbreaking" final moments on set, echoing the sentiments of so many of his fellow Game of Thrones cast members. "When you’re shooting for that long, I was ready to finish when we finished, but at the same time I’m really going to miss everybody I’ve been working with," Anderson said. "It was an emotional day. I cried. It’s been a big part of my life."

"Everybody kind of got a send-off," he added. "It almost feels wrong to talk about it because it was all so personal for everybody. It was lovely. It was a really nice way to finish things the way that we did."