True crime junkies were in for a doozy of a story when Netflix added Abducted in Plain Sight to its ever-growing library of documentary titles earlier this year. While the movie originally played the festival circuit in 2017, its streaming debut has generated a ton of buzz around the almost-too-bizarre-to-believe story of a 12-year-old girl, Jan Broberg, being abducted by a family friend in the 1970s.
To say much more about the film would be to give too much away, but the crime ends up engulfing her entire family in odd and unexpected ways. Fortunately, Broberg survived the ordeal and is now sharing her story with the public.
While Broberg, now 56 years old, is pleased that Netflix has brought new attention to her case, she is interested in seeing an even more in-depth retelling of her story and recently told TMZ that a movie deal might be in the works.
“We have had some preliminary conversations, some offers, some people who are interested in making the story into a feature film or a series of some sort,” Broberg said. “We’re just very cautiously looking at the possibilities and options that might be available. I want the story told correctly and in a way that will help the most number of people.”
While no deals have been made official just yet, Broberg has already begun to think about who she'd like to see play her younger self—and she's got her eye set firmly on Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown. "She’s a great, great young actress and she’s tiny," Broberg said of the 15-year-old English actress. "It has to be a very small girl.”
Broberg’s ambitions don’t stop there. For the role of her kidnapper, Robert “B” Berchtold, she thinks that Ryan Gosling or Christian Bale would be perfect.
She may be setting her hopes rather high, but a scripted version of Broberg's real-life childhood is the kind of story that very few screenwriters could even dream up.
Abducted in Plain Sight is currently streaming on Netflix.