Aside from Ghostbusters, LEGO doesn't seem to do spooky too often. You're not likely to see any Hellraiser playsets anytime soon. But Netflix's Stranger Things is apparently on the edge of what's acceptable for the brick-laying company. After teasing a release on Twitter, LEGO has officially announced a Stranger Things LEGO set is on the way in time for the show's season 3 premiere this summer. And while it features Eleven, Dustin, and other popular characters, there's a little bit of a twist.
The 12-inch tall, 17-inch wide, and 8-inch deep playset is of the Byers home, a primary site of strange and paranormal activity. In addition to eight minifigures of the main cast, the set is "mirrored" so the layout of the house is replicated as it appears in the Upside Down, the alternate dimension seen in the series. The Byers house has several rooms, including the living room and the holiday lights display used by Joyce Byers (Winona Ryder) to communicate with her son Will while he was trapped in the Upside Down.

Figures include Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Eleven, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Chief Hopper, Joyce Byers, and the Demogorgon.
The 2287-piece set is now available on the LEGO Store for $199.99.
The third season of Stranger Things premieres on Netflix July 4.
[h/t Geek Culture]
This article has been updated to reflect current availability.
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