This Portable Gadget Washes Delicate Clothing Without Detergent

Washwow, Kickstarter
Washwow, Kickstarter / Washwow, Kickstarter
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Keeping delicate items of clothing clean often means subjecting them to the abuse of your washing machine. After several washes, garments like bras, underwear, and formal wear can lose their shape and color. Hand washing is one alternative, but it can take a lot of effort and often produces underwhelming results. The WASHWOW 3.0, now raising money on Kickstarter, offers a different solution.

The WASHWOW is a portable gadget that washes clothes without the need for scrubbing, detergent, or aggressive spin cycles. Just fill a tub, sink, or bowl with water and submerge the WASHWOW with the item you need to clean. Using the electrolysis of water, the product breaks the liquid down into its hydrogen and oxygen components, disinfecting the garment and decomposing any stubborn organic stains. Unlike conventional washing methods, this product won't leave soapy residues on your fabrics, and if there are any leftover chemicals on your clothes from their last wash, WASHWOW will wipe them away, too. According the Kickstarter page, WASHWOW eliminates 99.98 percent of germs, viruses, and bacteria.

The gadget is a great way to disinfect clothing that requires a gentle touch, but its usefulness extends to other chores beyond laundry. The product's technology can be used on toys, produce, kitchen items, and anything else that needs to be sanitized. And since it weighs less than a quarter of a pound, it's perfect for frequent travelers.

With over a month left to go in its Kickstarter campaign, WASHWOW has already exceeded its $12,739 funding goal. You can pledge $55 or more to receive a WASHWOW of your own this July.

/ Washwow, Kickstarter