Cosplaying Jon Snow


The fifth season of the HBO series Game of Thrones begins on April 12. That seems a long way off, and besides, winter is already here. Fans might enjoy a look at Jon Snow in the interim. No, not Kit Harington (shown above); you can see him any time, but dedicated cosplayers who get the appearance of the character down almost as well. Let’s look at eight of them.


This unidentified Jon Snow was photographed at Starfest Colorado. Even though his costume is awesome (and he looks good), his expression is a bit too thoughtful for the part. As many people have pointed out, the real Jon Snow always looks like he’s about to cry.


DeviantART member Chaves87 (Alberto Chaves Fernández) is Jon Snow in the snow. In other pictures, he paired with naladriel as Ygritte.


Photograph by Dru Phillips.

Film student, costumer, and cosplayer Aaron Rivin (BuckyBird) worked on his Jon Snow costume for a year and unveiled it at DragonCon in 2013. Pictured with him is DeviantART member bratkartoffel as Arya Stark.


Redditor IxHaku went all out for his Jon Snow cosplay.The wolf is from here. The sword is from here. He appears to be near a convention center, which would make it difficult to take a real dog, but then some people do…


Here’s Dave as Jon Snow dressed up for a Game of Thrones party. You have to wonder if the white dog was the inspiration for the costume choice or if it was just serendipity. Maybe it’s not even his dog!


Not being particularly tall or overly muscular, the Jon Snow character is a favorite for crossplay. DeviantART member zahnpasta is a German cosplayer and costume builder who pulls off highly-detailed male and female characters and even non-human species from comic books, science fiction, and fantasy. Here’s her awesome Jon Snow cosplay from 2013. See the wide variety of characters at her Pasta Cosplay Facebook page


DeviantART member Limnauth is another German artist who designs and models costumes of both male and female characters. She made this Jon Snow costume, wig, and sword, and models them, too. See more of her work at her Facebook page


Neither sex nor race is a barrier to cosplaying Jon Snow. Robert Joe, host of the TV show I Wouldn’t Go In There, does the Korean Jon Snow well. His gorgeous dog Dubu makes a perfect direwolf. You can see a hilarious direwolf training session in a video here. Then there’s that sword, which works as the punch line of the whole exercise.