Watch the Original Star Wars in 60 Seconds
Let's say you only have one minute, but want to watch the original Star Wars movie. Strap on your insanity goggles, consider muting the crazy overlapping audio, and hit play:
Okay, let's take a step back and examine what's happening here. Omni Verse, this video's creator, has taken the entire movie and broken it into 60-second chunks (as closely as possible; the credits end a little early on the last bit). Then all those chunks play simultaneously on a giant grid, giving us an odd overview of the movie.
I admit, at first this seems insane (particularly the sound—muting it makes the thing less maddening), but if you make the video fullscreen and HD, you can actually pick out a lot of patterns. For instance, notice all the shots of Luke's face, particularly in the beginning and end; also notice how Obi Wan appears, gets a ton of face time, and (mostly) disappears. Another obvious one is the use of color and environment; when we're on Tatooine in the beginning, the film has a distinct look—blue, purple, sand, earth tones. But for the rest of it, we're in a very black-heavy space environment. Neat, right?