How Do U.S. Gas Prices Compare to Those in Other Countries? This Map Shows You

"Feed me."
"Feed me." / Pleasureofart/iStock via Getty Images

The next time you’re bemoaning a sudden hike in gasoline prices, look on the bright side: It’s probably cheaper in the U.S. than it is in Hong Kong. Or the Central African Republic, or Finland, or Italy, or several dozen other countries.

In fact, according to a new study by Budget Direct Australia, the U.S. is number 130 on the list of places with the most expensive gas. It’s around $0.72 per liter here, as opposed to Hong Kong’s $2.36 per liter.

As all drivers know, gas prices fluctuate more frequently than your most indecisive friend changes their mind about what they want for dinner, so the figures mentioned here are hardly set in stone. The data used in the study was collected on February 2, 2021. But it’s still a fascinating snapshot of how much variation there is in fuel rates around the world. In general, Europe—and Scandinavia in particular—is home to steep gas prices, while filling up your tank will cost significantly less in North America, South America, and large swaths of Africa and Asia.

That’s not to say there isn’t any variation within the U.S. For example, Californians can probably expect to pay well above the national average price. San Francisco is the most expensive city in America for gas, with a price per liter of one whole dollar. San Jose, just a single penny cheaper, is in second place; Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Diego tied for third at $0.96 per liter; and Fresno is in fourth at $0.94. Texans, on the other hand, are likely used to paying a little less than $0.72; in Austin, Houston, Fort Worth, and Dallas, for example, the price per liter is just $0.65.

See if your city ranks on the list below, and find out more about the data here.

One list you don't want to be first on.
One list you don't want to be first on. / Budget Direct Australia