5 Ways to Donate to Earthquake Relief Efforts in Haiti

A building destroyed by the earthquake in Les Cayes, Haiti.
A building destroyed by the earthquake in Les Cayes, Haiti. / Richard Pierrin/Getty Images

On August 14, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit Haiti, killing an estimated 1300 people and injuring roughly 5700 others that we know of so far. Thousands of people have been displaced from their homes, and authorities are still working to assess the full extent of the damage. While the country hastens to recover from the disaster, Tropical Depression Grace (tropical depressions are slightly less powerful than tropical storms), is expected to wreak further damage through Tuesday, August 17.

If you’re looking for ways to help from home, here are five relief organizations to consider donating to.

1. Airlink

Airlink works with airlines and charitable organizations to figure out the best way to fly aid—medical personnel, search and rescue teams, shelter kits, food and water, and whatever else is needed—into a disaster zone. Its very first mission was after Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, and it was also on the ground in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Airlink is currently mobilizing a response team for this latest earthquake, which you can donate to here.

2. Humanity & Inclusion

Humanity & Inclusion focuses on helping people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups both in the wake of disaster and over the long term. Its staff was also on the ground in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake and Hurricane Matthew. In addition to offering medical treatment and dispensing necessary supplies—food, water, hygiene products, etc.—Humanity & Inclusion will also provide mental health and rehabilitation services to those with lasting injuries. You can donate here.

3. Haitian Health Foundation

The Haitian Health Foundation provides healthcare, education, and other services to Jérémie, a small rural city in western Haiti, and about 100 mountain villages. Its workers are diverting their medical efforts to treat earthquake victims, and they’re also collaborating with other organizations to make sure aid and supplies get distributed where they’re most needed. You can donate here.

4. Hope for Haiti

Hope for Haiti is dedicated to reducing poverty throughout the country by improving healthcare, education, infrastructure, economic development, sanitation, and more. To help Haiti recover from earthquake damage, the organization has devised a detailed short- and long-term response plan [PDF] that includes everything from supplies distribution to rubble removal. You can donate to the cause here.


Founded at the end of World War II as Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe, CARE (whose acronym now stands for "Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere") has grown into a global relief organization that now centers on women and girls. CARE teams had already been working in Haiti before the earthquake hit, and they’re currently trying to transport relief kits to communities that aren’t easily accessible by road. You can read more about their efforts and donate here.