10 Myers-Briggs Type Charts for Pop Culture Characters

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) is an instrument to define your personality along four parameters: (I) Introversion vs. (E) Extroversion, (N) Intuiting vs. (S) Sensing, (T) Thinking vs. (F) Feeling, and (J) Judging vs. (P) Perceiving. Trying the instrument gives you a “type,” indicated by a combination of four letters. There are 16 possible combinations, which lend themselves well to a chart, called the Myers-Briggs type table. How accurate the test is and how useful the scale is has nothing to do with what’s ahead. What we are looking at is how those types can be illustrated by pop culture characters, from any universe that has at least 16 characters with different personalities.  

Read how the test came to be in the mental_floss article Myers, Briggs, and the World's Most Popular Personality Test.

1. Game of Thrones

If there is any universe with an unlimited number of characters, it would be Game of Thrones. If only they didn’t keep dying off! Andrew at O.D.S. composed a chart featuring the MBTI types in the cast of the HBO show. This Includes both living and deceased characters, and indeed already had to use dead characters when it was constructed. The chart can be seen at the link.

2. My Little Pony

The ponies of My Little Pony run the gamut of personalities. Sixteen of them are included in this MBTI chart by DeviantART member autumnalone (Meredith Miles). The chart doesn’t exist in her gallery, but you can see it full size in a forum.

3. Lord of the Rings

A vast majority of the characters we love from The Lord of the Rings are heroes, but they all differ somewhat. This chart from Anne and Eric Dye at ChurchMag slots them into the personalities of the MBTI so that you can find the one that matches your personality.

4. The Walking Dead

Fanpup gave us a personality chart for the characters of The Walking Dead. This was created for season four, but there really are no spoilers because some of the characters were already dead then, but I’m not telling you which ones. The zombie, of course, but you can guess about the others. Then they updated the chart for season five, which you can see at the post that contains both of them. Only the first one is enlargeable. The newer chart still contains some dead people, but also newer characters.

5. Harry Potter

This MBTI chart profiling the characters of the Harry Potter universe went viral a couple of years ago, credited to tumblr user Simbaga (the writer) and DeviantART user Makani (the artist), yet no original links for the chart exist anymore. It should be large enough for you to read at Buzzfeed.

6. Disney Princesses

DeviantART member LittleMsArtsy created a beautiful MBTI chart for Disney Princesses and other Disney heroines that is very enlargeable at the DeviantART page, if you want to read the descriptions that make up the character’s face and body. That’s the only place they are labeled, but if you cannot identify a Disney Princess by her silhouette, then you just haven’t seen enough Disney movies. LittleMsArtsy also has links to the art for each individual character. She has a similar chart for Disney Princes and Heroes.

7. Grey’s Anatomy

A blogger named Chandler created an MBTI chart for the characters of the TV show Grey’s Anatomy. The characters are not labeled, because only fans of the show would have any interest in seeing if the personalities were labeled correctly. This is where I realized that most of the charts in this list do not label the characters by their names, but this is the only chart in which I did not know the characters already.  

8. Marvel Comics

This rather intricate chart from Elephant Robot puts four characters from the Marvel Comics universe into each of the 16 personality slots. That just goes to show how huge the Marvel universe is, and how characters within a type can vary. You will have to go to the full size image page to read them.

9. Star Wars

Geek in Heels responded to the Harry Potter MBTI chart by creating one that pegs the characters of Star Wars across generations. Do you agree with these assessments? The chart is enlargeable at the site.

10. Star Trek

DeviantART member loqutor made a chart for 16 different Star Trek characters that appear in several of the Star Trek TV series, although I think it’s a little light on The Original Series. But that’s just me.