As more people choose to hit the road on bikes instead of cars, cyclist safety has become even more important. A new collection of wearable tech from Lumenus aims to provide bikers with features that motorists have taken for granted for years: turn signals, brake lights, and flashers.
The Los Angeles-based company started a Kickstarter campaign to fund their line of LED-illuminated jackets, vests, and backpacks. With their new wearable tech line, Lumenus is working to make the road a safer place for bikers, as well as walkers, runners, and motorcyclists.

Users can operate the tech by downloading an app that connects to the lights embedded into their apparel. After plugging in a destination, the app uses its map software to anticipate the best route. When the cyclist is about to make a turn, the lights stitched into the back of the gear will flash amber to indicate their direction, just like a car’s turn signal. The app also senses when the rider is slowing down and engages the brake lights to notify any vehicles that may be behind the bike. Cyclists are given the option to activate a strobe light feature whenever they cross an intersection, which is where one third of cyclist deaths occur.

Lumenus hopes their products will be more than just safety gear. Bikers can also use the app as an exercise tool—users input their desired pace into the app and an LED light on the sleeve indicates their performance with different color codes.
And even when the lights aren’t activated, the apparel is designed to make the wearer look sharp. Lumenus founder Jeremy Wall studied fashion design at North Carolina State, and his high-tech clothing and accessories showcase the importance he places on style. “Existing safety gear just isn’t cool,” reads a quote from their Kickstarter page, "so creating pieces that fit your lifestyle off the road, while saving your life on it, is at the heart of Lumenus."

So far, only $11,000 has been pledged of their $54,000 goal, but you have the next 60 days to donate and receive some life-saving apparel of your own.
All images courtesy of Lumenus.