If you’re sharing a bedroom with someone, it's either going to be super fun or a super drag and either way, an awesome bunk bed is the perfect thing to add some practical whimsy. Ditch generic twofer beds most commonly seen in college dorms and hostels around the world and consider a few of the options below. They're sure to turn sleepy time into an event—every single night.

Did you hear that? It’s the sound of millions of Star Wars fans crying out in envy. The owners of this themed bunk bed are maybe the luckiest kids in the galaxy, and they probably weren't even alive when the prequels hit theaters.

Image via Dave Delisle
This ghost-busting design is sadly only a concept, but all great ideas have to start somewhere! Designer Dave Delisle used the iconic Ecto-1 1959 Cadillac Professional for inspiration for this cool creation, with the roof rack serving as a barrier for the top bunk, and the hood of the car providing additional bedroom storage.

Dave Delisle also designed this Jurassic Park-themed Velociraptor cage concept bed. The door slides closed to keep the wild animal (read: kid) inside, and the exterior has the industrial feel of a high-tech containment system from the film. Delisle writes on his website: “My only qualm with this design is having to punch out a hole in the bed frame at the top of the ladder, which prevents this from looking exactly like the raptor cage; however that’s in keeping with all bunk bed designs, so safety and accessibility should be considered for a real-life bed.”
Couches that transform into beds are nothing new, but designing a couch with a hidden bunk bed inside is something special. The full conversion only takes about 20 seconds, so the transition from watching a movie to meeting the sandman is always a quick one. Now all we need is a name for this extra-special futon.

Kids can enjoy the beach year-round with this indoor surf shack. Using leftover and recycled materials and real water reeds, a handy dad spent two months building the structure for his sons. There's even a working doorbell and a coconut telephone so the kids can talk to each other from bed. We might make a motion for a sand-covered floor for authenticity, but mom and dad would likely have a problem with that.

Image via Imgur
Bring virtual reality into the real world with this kid-sized homage to retro gaming. The stairs to the top bunk are hidden behind 8-bit bricks, and the rest of the castle matches the style and color of the Super Mario landmark perfectly, with the archways serving as windows for the bottom bunk.
Image via Imgur
If Super Mario isn't the king of the castle in your home, fear not: There's a bunk bed castle for all tastes. Kids can rule their own kingdom from this big pink castle, with stairs on one side and a slide on the other, which the builder/mastermind admits is a little too steep: “My girls flew down it and right into the wall, but of course they laughed and said again,” user G00D_GUY wrote on Imgur. “After a few times they got the speed down.”

Image via Imgur
Three is a crowd that doesn't feel too crowded in this deluxe custom build. This design has two beds on top and one on the bottom left, with extra space on the right that's perfect for a play area or a pet’s bed. While a feat of spatial efficiency, this design does come with a conundrum: Which sibling has to take the bottom while the other two get to party it up together in the penthouse?